Introducing and Feeding Solid Foods to Infants

Do you ever question when or how to start solid foods with infants in your care? What have you heard about beginning solid foods? Why is it important to offer solid foods to infants? This module addresses many of these questions with a focus on starting healthy eating habits at an early age. We also explore the vital role infant feeding plays in starting children on a positive pathway to good health and nutrition. We share information and best practice recommendations from several experts, including registered dietitians, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, and pediatricians. At the completion of this module you will be able to discuss why, when, and how to start solid foods.

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Approximate Length: 2 hours


Holly Hatton-Bowers, PhD

Assistant Professor
Early Childhood Extension Specialist
University of Nebraska

Natalie Sehi, MS, RD

SNAP-Ed Extension Educator
Nebraska Extension

Donnia Behrends, MS

Extension Educator
Registered Dietitian
Nebraska Extension

Emily Hulse, MS

Community Program Coordinator
NE Go NAP SACC Coordinator
Center for the Child & Community