Infant & Toddlers Part 1

Building Positive Relationships with Infants & Toddlers Part 1

How do you form close and secure relationships with the children you care for and their families? Do you provide experience’s for children to express their emotions in appropriate ways? Come explore your environment and learn more about ways to support young children's healthy social and emotional growth and development.

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Approximate Length: 2 hours

Author: Lisa Poppe & LaDonna Werth
Extension Specialists
University of Nebraska-Lincoln


The following resources helps to expand your knowledge and understanding of how to support children’s social and emotional development. The Pyramid Model focuses on the social emotional development and school readiness of young children. To learn more about the Pyramid Model, visit:

FEATURED RESOURCE: Penn State Extension's Better Kid Care

Emotional Wellness: Understanding its importance

University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension publications offer peer-reviewed, research based information in a range of topics including early childhood education. Written by specialists, faculty and educators at UNL, check out the following early childhood educational publications:
Helping Children Resolve Conflict: Aggressive Behavior of Children.

Children can display aggressive behavior as they interact with others. In this NebGuide you'll learn about the different behaviors and how to deal with each.

Helping Children Resolve Conflict: Conflict Mediation Model.

This eight-step conflict resolution/mediation model can help adults successfully guide children through conflict resolution.

Helping Children Resolve Conflict: Pitfalls to Avoid During Conflict Mediation.

There are nine common mistakes adults make when mediating conflict between children. Avoid them, and you will help children develop important conflict negotiation skills.

Culture Matters: Strategies to Support Young Children's Social and Cultural Development.

Teachers can help enhance learning about diversity in young children by learning more about their home environment and how best to communicate with the parents.

Interactive Publications
Interactive Publications allow you to engage in interactive learning activities while you click and read!
Making it Happen! Building Positive Relationships with Children.

Caregivers and parents learn ways to build positive, nurturing, responsive, and dependable relationships with children. This program is available in print or as a PDF enhanced with video.